George A. Bermann
Chair, Global Board of Advisors
Professor, Columbia Law School
- Director, Center for International Commercial and Investment Arbitration (CICIA)
- International commercial arbitrator
- Expert on foreign law and transnational litigation & arbitration
- Professeur affilié, Ecole de droit, Sciences Po (Paris)
- Chief Reporter, ALI Restatement of US Law of International Commercial Arbitration
- Founding member, Governing Board, ICC Court of International Arbitration
- Co-Author, UNCITRAL Guide to the New York Convention
- Chair, board of advisers, New York International Arbitration Center (NYIAC)
- Member, Academic Council, Institute for Transnational Arbitration (ITA)
- Director, American Arbitration Association
Ahmad Ghouri
Lecturer in Commercial Law, University of Sussex
- Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of Turku, Finland (2012-2013)
- Doctoral Researcher/Part-time Lecturer, University of Turku, Finland (2008-2012)
- Lecturer, University of the Punjab (Gujranwala Campus), Pakistan (2005-2008)
- Legal Practice (Civil and Commercial Law), Islamabad & Lahore, Pakistan (2002-2005)
Andrew Newcombe
Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
- Teaches international arbitration, international investment law, international trade law and commercial law
- Worked in the International Arbitration and Public International Law groups of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in Paris
- Research focuses on investment treaty law and arbitration
- Co-author of Law and Practice of Investment Treaties: Standards of Treatment (Kluwer, 2009)
- Co-editor of Sustainable Development in World Investment Law (Kluwer, 2011)
Wenhua Shan
Yangtze River Chair Professor of International Economic Law (by Ministry of Education, China)
Founding Dean of the School of Law at Xi’an Jiaotong University, PR China
PhD, Trinity College, Cambridge
Work Experience
- “State Special Advisor” and “State Council Special Allowance Expert” appointed by the Chinese Government
- Arbitrator of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
- Legal Advisor of the People’s Government of Shaanxi Province
- Shan has practiced international and Chinese laws since 1992. He is the lead advisor to the Chinese government on some key investment treaty negotiations, and has advised foreign governments, international organizations, and transnational corporations on international investment, trade and arbitration matters.
Mahnaz Malik
Barrister and arbitrator at Twenty Essex
Work Experience
- Mahnaz specialises in representing governments and corporations in commercial and investment arbitration.
- Mahnaz has acted as counsel on behalf of both investors and states in several investment and commercial disputes including ICC, ICSID, LCIA and PCA administered arbitrations.
- Arbitrator in EuroGas Inc and Belmont Resources Inc v Republic of Slovakia
- Advocate of the high court in Pakistan and an English Barrister (Lincoln’s Inn). Mahnaz recently taught investment law at the LLM programme of the University of Zurich.
Leon Trakman
Professor, University of New South Wales
- Immediate Past Dean and Professor, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, 2002-2007;
- Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of California, Davis, 1999/2000.
- Professor of Law, Dalhousie Law School, 1975-1999;
- Visiting Professor, Wisconsin Law School, 1992/93;
- Visiting Professor of Law, University of Cape Town, 1990;
- Bora Laskin National Fellow in Human Rights, Canada, 1997/98;
- Killam Professor, Killam Foundation, 1986;
- Visiting Professor, Tulane Law School, 1983.
- Bolton Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, McGill University, 1982.
- Professor Trakman specializes, inter alia, in international commercial arbitration and in international trade and investment law. He is author and editor of 9 books and has written over 100 articles and papers on international commercial arbitration, and international trade and investment law.
Armand de Mestral
Professor emeritus, Faculty of Law, McGill University
Jean Monnet Chair in the Law of International Economic Integration
- Taught constitutional law, law of the sea, public international law, international trade law, international arbitration, and the law of the European Community, and public international air law.
- Prepared books, articles and studies in English and French on international trade law and on Canadian comparative and constitutional law and international law.
- Served on WTO and NAFTA dispute settlement and arbitration tribunals.
- Member of the Order of Canada in December 2007.

Chin Leng Lim
Choh-Ming Li Professor of Law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Barrister, International Member, Keating Chambers,London Honorary Senior Fellow, British Institute of International and Comparative Law
Visiting Appointments
- Visiting Professor, Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London (current)
- Lionel Astor Sheridan Visiting Professor, National University of Singapore (2015)
- Scholar-in-Residence, World Trade Organization, Geneva (2013)