Members of the CIICA Council include leading international arbitration lawyers and industry experts based in Pakistan. The CIICA Council does not play any role in administering dispute resolution procedures, though it does maintain a keen interest in the conduct of CIICA’s administrative functions.
Makhdoom Ali Khan
Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of Pakistan
Jean Monnet Chair in the Law of International Economic Integration
- Makhdoom Ali Khan is a Senior Advocate of the Supreme Court of Pakistan and a former Attorney General for Pakistan. (2001-2007).
- During his tenure as Attorney General he advised the Government of Pakistan on all Bilateral Investment Treaty issues and Public International Law matters. He was involved in BIT negotiations with other states and in the drafting of the laws that incorporated in Pakistan law the New York Convention and the International Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and the Nationals of other States.
- He is a member of the Court of MARC, and is a member of the Board of AAA and the Governing Board of ICCA. He is on the panel of arbitrators of KLRCA, SIAC, SHIAC. He is designated on the panel of ICSID arbitrators. He was a Trustee on the Board of DIAC and a member of the Court of the LCIA. He is the Vice Chair of the Arbitration Committee of IBA and the President of the International Law Association, Pakistan.
- Since his return to private practice in 2007, he has appeared in many important commercial cases before the High Courts and the Supreme Court. He is also sitting as an arbitrator in ad hoc and institutional domestic, international commercial and investment arbitrations.
Education and Enrollments:
- University of Karachi M.A, LL.B.
- Cambridge University (Corpus Christi) LL.B.
- London School of Economics LL.M
- Inns of Court School of Law & Lincoln’s Inn Barrister
- Advocate, 1976-
- Advocate, Supreme Court of Pakistan, 1989 – 2001
- Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of Pakistan, 2001 –

Salman Talibuddin
Advocate, Supreme Court of Pakistan
- Partner – Kabraji & Talibuddin, Karachi, Pakistan, 1997 to date
- Senior Associate and subsequently Partner – Surridge & Beecheno, Karachi, Pakistan, 1991-97
- Associate Partner – Saeed Salman, Abdul Rehman Al Sharif & Partners, Dubai, UAE, 1989-90
- Associate – Abraham & Sarwana, Karachi, Pakistan, 1986-89
- Additional Attorney General for Pakistan based at Karachi, May 2014 to date
Areas of specialization:
- Partner in charge of litigation at Kabraji & Talibuddin, dealing with contentious as well as non-contentious matters including:
- Domestic and cross-border civil and commercial litigation
- Domestic and international (ICC and ICSID) arbitration
- Advising in a wide range of commercial transactions including project finance and banking, construction and engineering contracts, debt and equity financing, and mergers and acquisitions.
Arbitration Experience:
In addition to acting as counsel in domestic arbitrations under the Pakistan Arbitration Act of 1940, have acted in:
- ICC Case No. 7799/FMS
As counsel for the Respondent (Civil Aviation Authority of Pakistan) in a claim arising from the construction of the new terminal building at Quaid-e-Azam International Airport, Karachi, brought by the French contractor (SOGEA SA) - ICC Case No. 10045/OLG
As co-counsel for the Claimant (Hub Power Company Limited) in a claim arising out of its power purchase agreement with the Water and Power Development Authority of Pakistan - ICC Case No. 10256/OL/ESR
As advisor to the Malaysian sponsors of the wholly-owned Pakistan subsidiary (Sabah Shipyard (Pakistan) Limited) in relation to a claim arising out of Sabah Shipyard’s power purchase agreement with the Karachi Electric Supply Corporation Limited brought by Sabah Shipyard - ICC Case No. 12286/MS
As advisor to the Malaysian sponsors of Sabah Shipyard (Pakistan) Limited in relation to a claim arising out of Sabah Shipyard’s implementation agreement with the Government of Pakistan brought by the Government of Pakistan - ICSID Case No: Arb/01/13
As co-counsel for the Respondent (Government of Pakistan) in a claim arising out of its pre-shipment inspection contract with Societe Generale de Surveillances - ICC Case No: 13664/MS/JB/JEM
As counsel for the Claimant (Naved Hanif Rajput) in a claim arising out of his catering services contract with BP Pakistan Exploration & Production, Inc. - Sole Arbitrator appointed by consent of the parties under the Pakistan Arbitration Act of 1940 in the following proceedings arising out of building and engineering contracts:
- In the matter of Arbitration between Arabtec Pakistan (Private) Limited and Enshaa NLC Developments (Private) Limited
- In the matter of Arbitration between Associated Constructors Limited and TPL Properties (Private) Limited
- Sindh High Court Bar Association
- Karachi Bar Association
- Association of Fellows and Legal Scholars of the Center for International Studies, Salzburg
- On the panel of arbitrators of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre and the Kuala Regional Centre for Arbitration
- Co-author of the chapter on Pakistan in Kluwer Law International’s Remedies for International Sellers of Goods
- Co-author of the Pakistan survey for Linklaters’ internet-based Blue-Flag Asia-Pacific Survey of securities and exchange laws and regulations
- LLM – Warwick University, UK, 1991
- JD – University of Oklahoma, USA, 1986
- BA – University of Oklahoma, USA, 1982
- BA – University of Karachi, 1978

Ahmer Bilal Soofi
Advocate of the Supreme Court of Pakistan
- Mr. Soofi is an Advocate of the Supreme Court of Pakistan and is the Managing Partner of ABS & Co. which has consistently been ranked as one of Pakistan’s leading law-firms by ‘Legal 500’ and ‘Chambers & Partners’.
- During the caretaker setup in 2013, he served as the Federal Minister for Law, Justice & Parliamentary Affairs. He also served as the Chairman of the Advisory Council of United Nations Human Rights Committee in Geneva and has previously advised the Government of Sri Lanka. He is the founding President of Research Society of International Law and is a Member of Panel of Eminent Experts of OIC. He also holds the office of President of WWF Pakistan.
- Mr. Soofi has appeared before international courts including ICC & ICSID, the US District Court, UK Commercial Court, and the War Crimes Tribunal. As Pakistan’s Council/Agent, he won the RMI case before the International Court of Justice (ICJ).
- He is a distinguished faculty member at National Defence University, Islamabad and is also invited frequently to lecture on various aspects of international law issues relating to Pakistan at Command and Staff College Quetta, National Management College Lahore, Navy War College Lahore, and several other institutes. He remained a visiting Professor of International Law at the Punjab University for over 10 years.
- Mr. Soofi has also delivered talks and lectures at venues like International Development Law Organization Rome, Regional Centre for Strategic Studies, Sri Lanka, Shanghai University China, Fletcher School USA, Royal United Services Institute, London.
- He has published over 100 articles and comments in leading newspapers and journals of Pakistan and is frequently invited by electronic and print media for expert comments on international law issues.
- He graduated from Government College Lahore with Roll of Honors and later did his LLB from Punjab University Law College and his LLM from the University of Cambridge, UK.
- Recently, the Prime Minister of Pakistan appointed him as his Special Envoy on International Conventions and Protection of Religions.

Ashtar Ausaf Ali
Advocate of the Supreme Court of Pakistan
- Ashtar Ausaf Ali is the founding partner of Ashtar Ali & Co. He served as Attorney-General for Pakistan and Chairman of the Pakistan Bar Council from 2016 to 2019, and as Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Law and Justice with the charge of Minister of State from 2015 to 2016.
He also served as Convener of the Treaty Implementation Cell, overseeing the successful renewal of the European Union’s GSP Plus programme for Pakistan, and the state’s fulfilment of core United Nations Conventions. - Ashtar Ausaf Ali is the founding partner of the firm. He served as Attorney-General for Pakistan and Chairman of the Pakistan Bar Council from 2016 to 2019, and as Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Law and Justice with the charge of Minister of State from 2015 to 2016.
He also served as Convener of the Treaty Implementation Cell, overseeing the successful renewal of the European Union’s GSP Plus programme for Pakistan, and the state’s fulfilment of core United Nations Conventions. - Ashtar Ausaf Ali completed his BA from Forman Christian College in 1975, and his LLB from Punjab University in 1980, where he also taught as adjunct lecturer for international law from 1984 to 1988. He became a member of the Lahore Bar Association in 1980, and was awarded an MCL from George Washington University. He later enrolled as an Advocate of the High Court, and in 1995, was admitted to the Supreme Court Bar. He is both a member of Phi Delta Phi International Legal Fraternity and the American Arbitration Association.
- In over 30 years of practice, Ashtar Ausaf Ali has advised on various landmark transactions as well as represented clients in cases that have shaped the country’s constitutional history. He focuses on complex commercial arbitrations and constitutional litigation in the country’s superior courts.

Zahid Ebrahim
Advocate of the Supreme Court of Pakistan
Former Additional Attorney General for Pakistan
Zahid F. Ebrahim is the Senior Managing Partner at the law firm of FGE Ebrahim Hosain. He holds a masters degree from the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy (Tufts and Harvard University) where he was the Henry L. Cabot Scholar. He is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators U.K. In 2017, the Executive Committee of the Court of Arbitration of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre selected him to become a member of the SIAC’s panel of arbitrators. In 2020, he was selected as a member of the Hainan International Arbitration Court’s panel of arbitrators. In 2022, he was inducted as an arbitrator by the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration for a three year term. He has also served as the Additional Attorney General of Pakistan.
Ebrahim was enrolled as an Advocate of the High Courts in 1994 and Advocate of the Supreme Court of Pakistan in 2006. The U.K. based Chambers & Partners cites his peers as acknowledging that “Whether [Zahid Ebrahim] is for you or against you, quality-wise you have to admit that he is a great lawyer.” The Legal 500 credits him as “A force in contentious matters”. Leaders in trade, industry and government regularly seek his counsel.
Zahid F. Ebrahim acts as lead counsel in contentious matters before the High Courts and the Supreme Court of Pakistan. His articles on constitutional law issues have been published in Pakistan, India, England and the United States. He has acted for multinational corporations in international arbitrations and has also served as an expert witness on Pakistan law. In recent years, he has been called upon to serve as an arbitrator in ICC, KIAC and Pakistan law arbitrations. Highlights include:
- Member, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators U.K.
- Member, Singapore International Arbitration Center’s Panel of Arbitrators.
- Member, Hainan International Arbitration Court’s Panel of Arbitrators.
- Member, Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration Panel of Arbitrators.
- Lead counsel in arbitration matter pertaining to LNG contracts before the London Court of International Arbitration.
- Expert witness on Pakistan law in LCIA arbitration on petroleum supply contracts.
- Lead counsel before the Supreme Court of Pakistan in complex matters pertaining to arbitration and corporate regulatory affairs where judgments have been reported in leading Pakistan law journals.
- Co-Arbitrator in a three member Tribunal conducting international arbitration in Rwanda on claims arising out of a government supply contract under the KIAC Rules.
- Co-Arbitrator in a three member Tribunal conducting ICC arbitration in the U.A.E., pertaining to a major construction project.
- Lead Counsel for the Civil Aviation Authority in arbitration proceedings against the international duty free operator Aer Rianta resulting in an Award in favor of CAA.
- Lead Counsel for the Taisei Corporation of Japan in an ICC arbitration in Singapore which led to dismissal of claims against Taisei by an engineering contractor and the award of costs in favor of Taisei.
- Lead counsel for Port Qasim Authority in arbitration proceedings under Pakistan’s arbitration law which ultimately culminated in the dismissal of claims made against the PQA by a dredging contractor.
- Successfully representing leading UAE construction company, Arabtec, in a domestic arbitration resulting in the award in favor of Arabtec.
- Co-Arbitrator with former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan in arbitration proceedings under Pakistan arbitration law.
- Lead counsel for European and Japanese Corporations in proceedings initiated in Pakistan for the enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards made in the U.K and Singapore respectively.
- Member of the legal team representing the Government of Pakistan and WAPDA in its disputes with HUBCO in arbitration proceedings under the aegis of the International Chamber of Commerce.
- Author of the Pakistan Chapter in the 2006, 2011 Comparative Legal Guide to International Arbitration.
- Author of the Pakistan Chapter in the 2018 and 2019 Chambers and Partners International Arbitration Guide and the 2017 Lexis Nexis Dispute Resolution Guide.

Jawad Sarwana
Advocate, Supreme Court of Pakistan
- Jawad is a practicing international and domestic commercial and investor-state mediator, advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan and a partner at Abraham and Sarwana, Karachi.
- He sits on CEDR’s Global Panel of Mediators.
- He co-chaired the IBA Mediation Committee (2016-17) and co-chairs the Mediation Technique Sub-Committee (2018-19).
- He co-founded the IBA-VIAC CDRC Mediation and Negotiation Competition, Vienna, Austria and co-authored the mediation problem in its inaugural year transforming the VIS Arbitration Moot Problem into a mediation case including its confidentials. In 2018, his role-play “Kohinoor” won First Prize at the ICC Mediation Competition and has judged several finals of student mediation competitions across the globe, including the ICC Mediation Competition Finals in 2018.
- He has been invited as a Visiting Professor on the topic of International Commercial Mediation by the Shanghai University of Political Science and Law in September 2017 and October 2018.
- He has conducted ADR trainings and workshops around the World and Management Development Programs in Dallas, USA, Amman, Jordan and Sharjah, UAE for the International Rescue Committee (IRC), New York headed by David Milliband. He has authored the chapter “Making the First Offer” published in the “IBA Mediation Technique Handbook”; co-authored the ICC publication “Mediation Practice: 8 Cultures, 16 Cases, 128 Creative Solutions” edited by Greg Bond; and authored chapter for the ABA publication, “Stories Mediators Tell: The World Edition.” A Star Wars fan, he believes the true nature of the Force lies in mediation and not midi-chlorians.

Karamat Ullah Chaudhry
Managing Director, Central Boulevard (Pvt) Ltd.
Former Managing Director, National Engineering Services Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd.(NESPAK)
Key Qualifications:
- Practicing professional engineer since 1969.
- From 2012 to 2016 was Managing Director of Engineering Consultancy Services (pvt) Ltd, a firm owned by the Government of Punjab.
- From September 2009 to January 2012, was Technical Adviser to Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation of Australia.
- From April 2005 to April 2009 was Managing Director of NESPAK. Responsible for leading the largest engineering consultants in Pakistan which involved overseeing mega projects, exercising administrative and financial controls, promoting corporate image, interacting with federal government and provincial governments, WAPDA, NHA and other state and privately owned organizations. Chairman of a number of Board of Managements, such as Ghazi Barotha, Dasu Hydropower, Mangla Raising, General Consultants Vision 2025, Mirani Dam and Member Board of Management of Neelum Jhelum Hydropower Project, Chairman/Director Turkish Pakistan Consultants (TURKPAK) and ECO-CEC Consultants.
- During career with NESPAK, presented numerous technical papers in national and international conferences in Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Korea, Nepal and Brazil and attended Conferences as a Technical Delegate, both at home and in many countries abroad. As Vice President Business Development Division, incharge of Business Promotion policies and business acquisition. Duties included overseeing of NESPAK documentation and interaction with international funding agencies.
- As Vice President (Coordination) in NESPAK, headed the Coordination Division. Responsible for technical coordination, recruitments, budget monitoring and control, Business Development, Personnel and Administration, General Services and Estate Management..
- As Vice President Construction Management Division in NESPAK for two years, was incharge of major housing projects of NESPAK and Pakistan Housing Authority, plus supervision of projects of all provincial governments.
- As General Manager (Inspection and Motorway Design), National Highway Authority on secondment was responsible for detailed design monitoring and approvals of designs. Some of the important projects were Lahore-Islamabad Motorway, Peshawar-Islamabad Motorway, Sheikhupura-D.G. Khan Motorway & Gwadar Rato Dero Highway project.
- As Chief Engineer Project Management Group in Highways Division, monitored Project Management activities of all projects in the division. Responsible for project management of important projects like Lahore- Islamabad Motorway, Chitral -Booni Road Project and Farm to Market road projects in Pakistan and highways in Oman.
- As Principal Engineer was responsible for the design of highways, starting from route selection, feasibility studies, detailed surveying, geometric and pavement design, road safety measures. Some of the important projects were Al-Khaburah-Dariz Highway (Oman), Seeb-Alkhawd Road (Oman), Mutrah Quriyat Feeder Roads (Oman), Sohar Roads (Oman), Roads within South Ghubrah Township (Oman), Mubi-Bazza Road (Nigeria), Djougou-Porga Road in Benin and numerous roads in Pakistan including sections of National Highway & Farm to Market roads. In the transportation sector, prepared several technical and economic feasibility studies for transportation systems and traffic engineering schemes. As Resident Engineer, supervised construction of US $ 23 million, Ghubrah Ring Road Project in Muscat, Oman.
- As Senior Engineer, designed roads in Oman, Nigeria, Pakistan and worked on industrial engineering schemes. Projects included Indus Super Highway, Dera Ismail Khan Bridge and Roads in Abu Dhabi Cantonment. Also designed Noise Barriers on M-25 Motorway in UK, Intersections on Folkestone-Dover Motorway (UK) and Rapid Transit System in Bogota, Colombia.

Rehmatullah Javed
Chairman: Grand Group – Pakistan
Work Experience and Achievements:
- Chairman: Pak Sri Lanka Business Council of Pakistan – 2006-2013
- Chairman: Executive Youth Forum – Pakistan
- Chairman: SME – FPCCI Central Committee – 2013
- Chairman: Lahore Business Forum – LBF
- Chairman Pakistan USA Business Council
- Founder of TEVTA – 1998
- Founder Member: Lahore Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
- Founder: Lahore Businessman Association for the Rehabilitation of Disabled (LABARD).
- Chairman: Engineering Component & Machinery Manufacturing Association of Pakistan (ECMMA) 1990-1995-2007
- Secretary General, Mission Chief of SAARC Chamber of Commerce & Industry 1997-1998
- Executive Committee Member: Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry 1974 1977, 1983, 1986, 1994-1997
- Managing Committee Member: Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce 2005-2008
- Chairman: Skill Development Council – Punjab, Ministry of Professional & Technical Training, Government of Pakistan-2010-12
- Chairman Pak German Technical Center (GTZ) – Lahore 1990n-97
- Board Member TEVTA 2015- till date.
- Chairman: Pak Germany Business Council -FPCCI -1990
- Chairman :Technical Training & Skill Development Committee LCCI 1990-97
- Chairman SME Committee LCCI 1983-2007
- Member SAARC – SME COUNCIL – 2017 -2018.
- Board Member of Punjab Small Industries Corporation (PSIC) 2006.
- Member Federal Task Force for the formulation of SME Policy of Pakistan (SMEDA)
- Member Senate Committee on Communications and Transportation as nominee of FPCCI
- Co – Chairman: Federal Advisory Committee on Postal Services Government of Pakistan nominee of LCCI
- Co- Founder & Member of the Mediation Centre of LCCI.
- Founder Chairman: Lahore Dry Port, 1974-1976
- Founder Member American Business Forum Lahore
- Founder: Secretary General of Rugmark Foundation Pakistan
- Founder Member of Mediation Center of Lahore Chamber
- Chairman: Advisory Centre for industrialization of LCCI 1990-1995
- Member Board of Governors Pakistan Industrial Technical Assistance Centre (PITAC) Ministry of Industries Government of Pakistan 1990-1995
- Member Central Management Board PCSIR for Industry Academia Linkage – FPCCI
- Member Management Board PCSIR – Lahore
- Director Pakistan: Senior Experten Services Bonn German (SES)

Zafar Kalanauri
Advocate, Supreme Court of Pakistan
Former President, Lahore Bar Association
Mr. Kalanauri is a lawyer by third generation practicing since 1986. One of the leading lawyers of Lahore, in Civil, Family, Rent, Arbitration, Banking and Company matters. Currently Senior Partner of law firm Zafar Kalanauri & Associates. He has got training in Mediation, Case Management & other ADR Mechanisms (U.S.A), Mediation Skills Training & Accreditation by CEDR (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution) U.K, Accredited Mediator from U.S.A & CEDR (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution) U.K. Accredited Mediation Master Trainer from CEDR & IFC in collaboration with IFC (International Finance Corporation), He has got training by CEDR &IFC in developing ADR Curriculum and Mediation training Programs for Law & Business Schools and different professionals. He has got Training in Advocacy Training Skills (Bar of England & Wales), Training on Human Rights & Criminal Justice Process College of England & Wales. He is on the panel of Mediators of Lahore Chamber of Commerce (LCCCI)Mediation Centre and a Mediator & Arbitrator at Center for International Investment and Commercial Arbitration (CIICA).
He is a courageous leader in an area of critical importance: the Lawyers Community of Pakistan, their rights and their productive and humane integration into society. Elected President of Lahore Bar Association (1996-97). Elected as Member Punjab Bar Council, (Session 2000-05), Elected Vice President Pakistan Mediators Association (Present). An indefatigable and effective mobilizer and organizer of Stakeholders Reformists and Change Makers in the Pakistani Legal system
As an Alternative Dispute Resolution Expert, for Technical Assistance Project of Strengthening of Institutional Capacity for Judicial and Legal Reform in Pakistan by the Asian Development Bank drafted Rules of Mediation & Conciliation for Court Annexed ADR. He was Member ADR/Mediation Working Group ADR/Mediation Pilot Project at Karachi for Institutionalizing Mediation in Pakistan of International Finance Corporation IFC (World Bank Group) & Chief Justice of Sindh High Court. He drafted Model Rules of Business (RoBs) for Musalihat Anjuman under Gender Justice through Musalihat Anjuman Project (GJTMAP) of Government of Pakistan & UNDP for “Constitution and Mobilization of the Musalihat Anjumans in all Union Councils in the pilot districts”. He was Member Steering Committee National Law University a project of Higher Education Commission and Member Legal Education Commission formed by Supreme Court of Pakistan. He is Member CEDR & IFC Designing Committee for ADR Curriculum for Law & Business Schools in Pakistan.
He has visited USA Four times on exchange programs to study the USA legal system. Especially with regard to the implementation of different ADR Mechanisms like Case Management, Court Settlement, Early Neutral Evaluation, Non-Binding Arbitration and Mediation for quick resolution of disputes, as an alternative to adversarial system. He is continuously involved (as leader of the core group) with the ‘Civil Justice Reform Project’ being carried by the ISDLS & USIS, Pakistan since 1997, which successfully ran Pilot Projects for expeditious disposal of Family cases and Commercial Cases by use of Case Management & Mediation Techniques Represented Pakistan in a number of Seminars, Workshops and Conferences in USA, UK, France, China, Bangladesh and Singapore.
He is Teaching at Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Pakistan College of Law, Human Resource Development Centre (Government of Punjab), Federal Judicial Academy & DOT (Directorate General of Training, FBR, Government of Pakistan) since 1997. As an independent, non-profit affiliate of National Legal Education Network, working to improve Legal Education in Pakistan. He has served on committees at local, provincial and national levels dealing with legal education reform. Over 100 articles written by him have been published in leading law journals and newspapers on legal, political, human rights and social issues. He regularly takes part in Seminars, Conferences, and Talk Shows on the aforesaid issues. A Book on “Advocacy Training Skills” is under publication and he is busy in writing another book on “ADR Mechanisms”. Beyond his domestic impact, his international experience and visibility are extensive He has studied legal systems of seven countries of the World and wrote articles on the same. He was Editor of “Comparative Law Journal” (A publication of Lahore High Court Bar Association). He has drafted Punjab Consumer Protection Act, 2005, Punjab Urban Rent Restriction Act, 2005, Model Drugs Act and Human Rights Act, Drafted model ADR Rules for Court Annexed ADR,2005, Drafted Model Rules of Business 2005 for Musalihat Anjuman under the Local Government Ordinance.

Mansoor Khan
Advocate, Supreme Court of Pakistan
Work experience:
Mansoor H. Khan’s practice focuses on corporate, commercial, mining, telecommunication and oil and gas law. He represents clients in contentious and non-contentious matters. He has appeared before the Supreme Court of Pakistan and regularly appears before the Lahore, Sindh and Islamabad High Courts. Mr. Khan is considered a leading expert from Pakistan on international arbitration and has represented clients before ICC and ICSID tribunals. Recently, he won a victory for an international company in a court case where the company had challenged a public procurement worth US$ 530 million. He is also representing an international corporation in litigation in which the largest foreign investment in Pakistan’s history has been challenged.
In December 2014, he advised as the Pakistan counsel in the international issue of US$ 1 billion trust (Sukuk) certificates listed on the Luxemburg Stock Exchange. In January 2005, he advised on the US$ 600 million international offering of trust certificates. He has also represented a UAE-based entity in its US$ 2.6 billion acquisition of an equity stake in and management control of Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL).
Mr. Khan worked as an associate for the New York office of a premiere American law firm before returning to Pakistan. Additionally, he has interned in the legal department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington D.C., a firm of solicitors in London, as well as the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) in Geneva.
Mr. Khan earned his B.A. and LL.B. from Punjab University, as well as L.L.M. degrees from University of London and Harvard Law School. He is enrolled as an advocate of the Lahore High Court and the Supreme Court of Pakistan.
Mr. Khan has a special commitment to public service and, in that regard, regularly performs civic duties. He acted as Chairman of the Working Group on Business Information and Database constituted by the Government of Pakistan and was also a co-opted member of the Working Group for Coordination on Arbitration Reforms, also constituted by the Government of Pakistan. He was a member of the Punjab Higher Education Reforms Committee, constituted by the Government of Punjab. He was also on the committee formed by the Punjab Government to make recommendations with regard to making all statutes and subordinate legislation available on the internet. He has appeared as a legal expert on numerous high-rated Pakistani TV channels.
Mr. Khan earned his B.A. and LL.B. from Punjab University, as well as L.L.M. degrees from University of London and Harvard Law School.
Mansoor Khan has written:
- “Law & Practice” section on Pakistan in 2014 Chambers Legal Practice Guides: Litigation.
- Chapter on Pakistan in 2013 & 2014 editions of The Asia – Pacific Arbitration Review – GAR Global Arbitration Review.
- Chapter on Pakistan in 2011, 2012, 2013 editions of The International Arbitration Review (Law Business Research, London).
- Chapter on Pakistan in 2010 & 2011 editions of The Mergers & Acquisitions Review (Law Business Research, London).
- “Deals in Tough Times” in The 2011 Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions: A Supplement to International Financial Law Review.
- “Current Constitutional Crisis in Pakistan” in International Litigation News (Litigation Committee Newsletter, International Bar Association) May 2008.
- “Pakistan Government Relaxes Rules on Public Offers” in International Financial Law Review December 1997.
- “Designing an Islamic Model for Project Finance” in International Financial Law Review June 1997.
- “Research on New Islamic Financial Instruments and its Problems” in The American Journal of Islamic Finance November & December 1995.
- “Setting up a Business in Pakistan”in International Company and Commercial Law Review (Sweet & Maxwell) November 1995.
- “The Changing Face of Islamic Banking” in International Financial Law Review November 1993 Co-Authored with Richard de Belder.
- Public Interest Litigation: Scope of the Concept and its Meaning in Pakistan Pakistan Law House 1993 (With a foreword by the then Chief Justice of Pakistan).