  1. Admission to the CIICA Panel of Arbitrators (“CIICA Panel”) is by invitation or upon an application being made to CIICA.
  1. Candidates interested in applying must demonstrate an appropriate level of expertise and experience in international arbitration and be of good standing and character.
  1. CIICA reserves the right to admit or refuse the admission of any person to the Panel. In exercising its discretion, CIICA will consider the qualifications, experience and standing of an applicant.
  1. Admission to the CIICA Panel is for a fixed term. CIICA reserves the right to remove any person from the Panel at any time.
  1. If you wish to apply for admission to the CIICA Panel, please send your resume/curriculum vitae highlighting your arbitration experience to the Secretariat, Center for International Investment and Commercial Arbitration, 3rd Floor, 7-A Turner Road, Lahore, Pakistan or email your resume/curriculum vitae along with references (if any) to panel@ciica.org.
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